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What we do

We are a group of individuals that came together with the shared goal of helping our World and all the creatures, GREAT and small, that live here.


When we thought about ways that we could do this, the idea of Growing Green was born.  And we love the fact that we received our nonprofit status on Valentines Day!   Because spreading love and kindness is at the core of everything that we do!

Meet the Team

I have an extensive Mechanical and Electrical engineering background. From childhood I have been able to look at something and figure out how it works. I want to use my background as a force in helping Growing Green to build and utilize electronic devises to monitor, model, and conserve natural environments and resources.  I will also help companies that partner with Growing Green to use subsidies and green technology to lower their carbon footprint while being able to stay competitive so these companies can thrive and create jobs in areas where they might be hard to find.

I love to travel and experience the world through different cultures and ways of life. This has allowed me to experience, learn from, and become passionate about sustainable resources and green energy that other countries have discovered and utilize. I am a huge proponent of doing all the good that we can in this world while we have the chance, and it starts with making sure we will still have a world to do good in for many years to come.


I was brought into this organization during an afternoon walk when Stephanie told me a “crazy” idea she had about a green energy Eco Park that would house a clean recycling facility, because other recycling facilities were missing opportunities and partnerships that could create a bigger impact. I love a challenge, especially one that will help the environment, so I was in.


At the time, I was in the middle of earning a Master of Public Affairs degree from Indiana University and was unsure how I would use it. Suddenly it all made sense. I changed my concentration from Public Policy to Non-Profit Management and decided that I would use this degree “to help run this thing”.  


I feel very fortunate to be part of this organization with people and companies who want to do better for our world. I am even more grateful that Stephanie dreams big and works hard to make those dreams a reality.

Fur-Baby Bruin

I rescued Bruin in 2013 as a puppy. Since he is a rescue and I am not sure of his actual birthday, we celebrate each year on Superbowl Sunday. It’s his favorite day of the year because he gets a celebratory hamburger all to himself. Bruin is best known for being vocal when there is something he wants and he will talk about it until he gets it, friends and family love it. He loves to watch birds and squirrels in the yard, but they don’t get to stay long before he yells at them to get off his lawn. He’s just your regular little old man.

I graduated IUB in 2002 with an Optometric Technology degree. I love finding ways to help eliminate waste, recycle, and use less fossil fuel energy.  I love to travel and I spend most of my time with friends, family, church family, reading, and letting my dog boss me around. I am a huge supporter of the Colts, Indiana Hoosiers, and St. Louis Cardinals.

For me, small business makes the world turn!!  And I feel like they could use some help!!  Saving the planet, spreading light, love, and kindness, and an entrepreneurial spirit drive my passion for seeing conservation paired hand-in-hand with development and innovation.  No idea is ever too big or too small to be shared and to get excited about!  Growing Green’s Ecopark and Recyclean Facility evolved out of a fusion of friendships with people interested in doing better for the world.  It’s a blessing to be able to walk in this adventure with such kindred spirits!! 


(And for those who know my quirky side best, you know we’re finding new ways of incorporating Big Foot searches and UFO’s into this project.  Yeah, you know it!!!) 

Furry Best Friends

Max is our Black Lab mix, and was rescued in New Mexico!!!  He's not a fan of airplanes, helicopters, or cows!!  He's SUPER spiritual and a great detector of negative energy!! 


He's in-charge of our air-space security, and he is so effective at letting the planes and helicopters know that our backyard is a NO FLY ZONE, that they leave almost as quickly as they fly in!!  


Leo is our rescued Pitbull (though we prefer the term Love-A-Bull) from New Mexico!!!  His favorite things are kisses and gardening!!


He takes care of our ground-control, so mice and bunnies and moles be warned!!  He works really hard in the garden, so keep your distance.  He loves his tomato plants!!


Max and Leo told me to let everyone know "Intruders beware, our love is contagious!!"

Conservation and sustainability is something that has always been near and dear to my heart. I currently work for the home office of a major retailer that encourages employees to create groups and make a change in the world for what they are passionate about. It is my pleasure to serve for groups that support Family life for associates and disadvantaged families in the community, and to serve another group that encourages associates to try new methods to leave less of a carbon footprint and is working to make the business more green in its day to day operations.


I have had a lifetime of being inspired by someone with the greatest hopes and dreams for making a positive impact on this earth, who has been armed with a mind for new thinking and new methodologies, a charm for capturing an audience (even if it means referencing Big Foot! Or Aliens) and a fire that cannot be put out! This has opened my mind to new things and brought the blessing of serving on the board for Growing Green. What an enriching and educational journey that helps fulfill my hearts need to help support change in the world! Growing Greens projects make a difference for the community, for my kids who are learning what it means to be a responsible citizen from this, and for many that will be blessed later in life because of all the efforts that have and will go into the project! This is what its all about!


My time is filled with faith, family, furballs and usually a lot of fun in the chaos that we call life. Our family loves to be outside, hiking, biking, enjoying nature and ice skating. Yep! It hurts to hit that ice so much more as an adult! My husband and I are always trying to keep up with our girls. In addition to spreading our love to two young girls, we have two dogs, two guinea pigs (how did that happen?), and about 100 coy fish (outdoors thank goodness)!
























Nala & Charli
Popcorn & Cinnamon

Nala our 75-pound vegetarian lab (who ever heard of such a thing?) who loves belly scratches more than life itself! She also loves learning more tricks, being with her human family, swimming and her new baby fur sister Charli!


Charli is our COVId addition, where we lost our mind for a moment and said to a rescue group “Why not? We will take her, It is 2020 after all”. It turned out to be the best decision ever. She loves to help me by waking little girls that do not want to get up for school with hundreds of kisses, chewing up shoes and being next to her humans or Nala - especially if she gets to sit on her head!

Guinea Pigs are the most docile rodents and easy pets and ours are no exception. They chow down our excess veggies/fruits and love to snuggle. If you ever get two (they need friends) beware of the amount of pellets they leave behind! OH MY! My next mission is to find out what we can do with all those pellets. Let me tell you…it could fuel the world!

Education:  â€‹

  • M.S. in Data Science, 2021 | Indiana University

  • B.S. in Accounting, 2013 | Indiana  Wesleyan University


Passions:  Jesus, family, friends, Hunter (my lab puppy), renewable energy technology, data analytics, sports.  


Purpose:   “Love, Live, Serve”


Furry Best Friend

Hunter does this amazing thing where he just exists and makes our whole life better because of it. He loves to be with his humans, car rides, walks, and trips to Starbucks for a Pupcup.

I graduated from Mount Vernon Nazarene university in 2008 with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, and a Master's Degree in Secondary Education from Eastern New Mexico University in 2012.


I spent 8 years in the classroom setting as a teacher and coach, and always enjoyed serving the community and being a positive role model for the kids.


I enjoy playing competitive slow pitch softball, golf, and spending time with my amazing wife Steph, and two dogs, Max and Leo.


I'm excited about this project because it will improve the quality of life for so many people in the community, while cutting back on pollution and the overall carbon footprint of the area.

For as long as I can remember, I have always been influenced and inspired by the beauty around me, especially the splendor found in nature. Whether it is a gorgeous sunset, ocean scene, forest, or starry sky, I always make sure I take time to appreciate the beauty around me. I also love working with people and making meaningful connections.

I was brought into Growing Green on a prayer – God is so good! I feel so blessed to be part of this opportunity to drive positive growth now and into the future with environmental conversation and sustainability. Through my background in marketing and communications, I look forward to sharing Growing Green’s divine story and bridging connections with our projects and local businesses to really impact meaningful change.


I earned by Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications, Marketing/PR from Ohio Northern University. I am blessed with an amazing husband and two beautiful daughters, all of whom bring so much love and light to my life every day. Our fur babies are two cats – Sophie and Buckeye – and our recent furry addition – Sunny, a female golden retriever.

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