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There are so many ways to help!


And we appreciate your support in every way!


From volunteering, to sharing creative ideas, from making a donation, to investing in the Qualified Opportunity Zone Fund, your contributions matter. 


You change the world!!


We are thankful to each of you and it has been heart warming to be on this big adventure with you!

Here's a Fun Way to Give!!!

We're asking our smaller resident superheros to help design a MASSIVE Logo made from Donor's Names.


The Logo will be placed on the Recyclean Facility!


For a Gift of $10.00 your name will appear in the logo in 6 Inch Letters.


For a Gift of $15.00 your name will appear in the logo in 10 Inch Letters.


For a Gift of $20.00 your name will appear in the logo in 12 Inch Letters.

Kids with Capes

This project will involve restoring the Old Barn for use as the Welcome Center and Wildlife Rehabilitation facility.  It will include educational resources and historical facts about our community.  It will also be the start of the Hiking Trails.

There will be two designated Playground Areas and one Splashpad location. We're excited to incorporate fun Tree houses in the Treetop play area!!  And there will be a playground and Splashpad area next to the Soccer Fields.

We welcome citizens to join the committee for designing and helping with the Tulip Tree Dog Park!!  The only requirement is a massive love of dogs.  We're really excited to incorporate fun play areas for our furry friends.

These fields will be open for all age groups, but will focus on youth leagues 12 and under.

Butterflies need lots of native flowers to fuel their migration.  By focusing on planting native flowers we'll be helping our Bees as well.

We welcome citizens who live near the Ecopark to join the committee for helping to create the Covenants and Restrictions.  This is a strategic committee and we invite local participation and representation.

Donations in Memory

The Ecopark will have paved walking paths and the main road  will be named Memory Lane. 


For those we have loved and lost, donations can be made in their honor in any amount. 


For donations of $2,000 or more, a native flowering tree will be planted on Memory Lane, with an individually engraved stone with your Loved One's name, and a solar powered light to shine on their memory. 



Our mission is to combine concepts of conservation and education for sustainability with socially responsible business practices.  Our goal is to create a community where environmental conservation and social sustainability are upheld as values that are mutually beneficial and attainable. 


In this way, we are all Growing Green together!!

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A: Growing Green

     PO Box 1948,

     Martinsville, IN 46151

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